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Periods & Heavy Metals

Despite the well-known neurotoxicity of Mercury, little is known about the potential effect of this metal on reproduction in humans. However, several reports on the adverse impact on fertility in animals in which chronic mercury exposure led to estrous cycle disruption, im­paired embryo implantation, and impendent follicular development. All existing chemical forms of Mercury administered to animals have induced reproductive disturbances, such as stillbirth or spontaneous abortions, congenital malformations, infertility, and inhibition of ovulation. In humans, so far, there are only six epidemiological data findings (mainly from Europe) demonstrating menstrual cycle abnormalities, including changes in bleeding patterns and cycle length among women occupationally exposed to Mercury. Mercury compounds also appear to affect the pregnancy outcome - it was found that the metal levels in maternal blood and infant's hair were inversely associated with birth weight. However, there is no evidence of anthropometrics, such as at birth. These observations suggest that Mercury may significantly impact human reproduction, especially for some occupational groups or populations with a prevalence of aquatic food in the diet (especially in Asia). There is a need to understand the mechanisms behind the Mercury-induced impairment of fertility. The complete ecotoxicological risk assessment requires further and complex investigations during the aquatic food-strict quality advisories.


Testimony 1

Hi. Like others, I usually read posts to stay informed and to see how folks are progressing on the spray. I would like to share a victory/ testament of my own. I have only been on TRS for around 3 weeks. I started off with just 1 spray in the AM & 1 spray at night, but progressed to 2/2 by day 3 & then 2/3 by the end of the first week. I am sleeping SO much better. I have suffered with insomnia & an inability to stay asleep for the past 7 years & I now look forward to actually sleeping each night again. Another issue (and it's major) that I have been dealing with is prolonged uterine bleeding/ periods that do not stop. The longest bout was 10 months straight, for which surgery was required to try and help. Most recently, I was coming up on 5 months of literal, daily 3-5 pad soakings (overnight/ 12 hr variety). Within 10 days of taking the spray, my bloodletting ceased!! Oh, my word! I flip­pin' could not believe it! The ultimate test will be to see if I am back to being on a 28-35 day cycle. I know that I will see even greater benefits once I adopt more nutritional modifi­cations along with an increase in physical activity. Stay en­ouraged. I am ecstatic about the changes I have already ex­perienced in such a short duration!!

Testimony 2

I think it's time I write this little testimonial. Since I started TRS at the end of January, I've had 4 painless cycles since then! After more than 2 years of extremely painful periods, I can't believe I don't have to take ibuprofen or use heating pads to get through 2 days of period pain. It's amazing!! Now I'm just waiting for my cycle to normalize.

Testimony 3

I'm so happy to report that my brain fog is gone (aside from mom-brain moments), and I feel even better than I did. When I remember feeling "normal': My cycle returned in No­vember of 2019, and I had been dreading this for a while. All my life, I suffered from 10-14 day periods, awful cramps, and an extremely heavy flow. I woke up one day and didn't even realize it had returned because I didn't feel A THING!!! It's been 6 months now and I am still having shorter, lighter, practically pain-free periods. I can't thank you enough for sharing TRS; I'm so happy.

Testimony 4

I just started TRS and omg .. I didn't think I would be giving a testimonial this soon! Originally, I bought it for my son who has Aspergers but decided to test it out on myself before I gave it to him. After 3 years I finally got my period back! I don't know if this is a coincidence because I just started TRS on April 13th. I've I been on medication for years due to a benign pituitary tumor also known as Prolactinoma. I was diagnosed with it back in 2004 and have been treating it ever since. One of the symptoms of Prolactinoma is period loss. No one knows what causes Prolactinoma, but after reading tons of articles about heavy metals I'm starting to think this is the root of the problem. Anyway, long story short. .. 1 got a little emotional tonight and wanted to share this with you.

Testimony 5

Oh my gosh!!! Just realizing that my last period was super easy too! My "day of death" is usually the 2nd day, and I had NO pain. My dog's eyes are much clearer too! I wish I had taken a before picture. I have been giving him one spray per day on his food.

Testimony 6

Started TRS first week of January. Went up to 5 sprays per day. Had less brain fog and more vivid dreams. My periods had been pretty heavy for me after having my son 3 years ago. And I would have migraines associated with the hormones. My January period was light, and I had no pain!! My husband and I have been trying to conceive since November 2018 with no success. I'm now 6 weeks pregnant. The only thing I changed was starting TRS!

Testimony 7

Since I started taking TRS, I have noticed a huge improvement with:

The nearly daily bloating is gone!

When it was period time especially, I would look like I was several months pregnant, and now there's none!

Also, the two periods I've had since taking TRS have been a breeze, with very minimal cramping and no bloat!

Better sleep, I don't feel like I need lots of coffee to wake up

The whites of eyes are whiter

Huge decrease with sugar cravings *not having that weird

twinge feeling with my thyroid quite as much; less frequent ringing in my ears

Less head fog

Chicken skin on my arms/thighs is improving

Not noticing eye floaties

Actually able to sweat again

The only side effects I've had, have been headaches for a couple of days and then an increase in acne, but I know that will improve over time.


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