Physical toxicity, mental impairment, mental disorders, and mood disorders all go hand in hand.
Physical toxicity disrupts normal neurological and mental processes and sends faulty signals from the body to the brain - resulting in inappropriate emotional input and flawed emotional processing in the brain.
When your brain is fed faulty signals from the body- and has a flawed ability to process them because of physical toxicity, can we blame children for "misbehaving"?
It's hard enough to process the emotions in life - let alone when your brain and body are full of inflammation and faulty input/output signals and processing ability.
Fortunately-Advanced TRS cleans those faulty signals and allows the brain to naturally correct the flawed processing by cleaning up the environment from which the problems originate.
Behavioral development of school-aged children who live around multi-metal sulphide mine in Guangdong province, China: a cross-sectional study "Multiple regression analyses revealed significant effects of hair lead, cadmium and zinc levels on CBCL subscales. Log-transformed hair lead, cadmium, and zinc levels accounted for an incremental of 8% to 15% variance in anxious/depressed withdrawn, somatic complaints, social problems, thought problems, attention problems, delinquent behavior, and aggressive behavior. The concurrent log-transformed hair lead and zinc levels were strongly associated with all subscales while the concurrent log-transformed hair cadmium was only significantly associated with withdrawn, social problems and attention problems."
This study reveals that heavy metal exposure was associated with an increased risk of behavioral problems for school-aged children.
Association of blood heavy metals with developmental delays and health status in children
In this study, multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the association of blood lead, mercury, and cadmium concentrations with the children's health status. The table illustrates the association of heavy metal concentrations with the children's health status, including HRQOL and functional performance. In all the children, increased blood lead concentrations were significantly associated with decreased HRQOL scores, including physical health, psychosocial health, and total health.
Toxic Environment of war: Maternal prenatal heavy metal load predicts infant emotional development
In utero heavy metal contamination, related with new weapon military operations in Gaza, was measured from maternal hair samples at childbirth.
Two weapon-related heavy metals, chromium, and uranium, adversely predicted infant emotional development.
Children of mothers with and without trauma-related psychological symptoms were similarly affected by the prenatal heavy metal contamination.
Arsenic and Fluoride Exposure in Drinking Water: Children's IQ and Growth
The conclusion was that children's intelligence and growth can be affected by high concentrations of As or fluoride. The children's IQ scores in the high-As group were the lowest among the four groups we investigated. It is more significant that high concentrations of As affect children's intelligence. It indicates that arsenic exposure can affect children's intelligence and growth.
Exposure to lead even at low levels correlates with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD ). However, lead-contaminated environments are often contaminated with other heavy metals that could exacerbate lead-induced ADHD. We conducted this study to evaluate the relationship between multiple heavy metals and child behaviors and the involvement of S100 calcium-binding protein p (s10op) expression in childhood ADHD. Child blood levels of Pb, Cd, and Mn correlated with certain behavioral abnormalities, such as conduct problems and antisocial behavior. Serum SlO0P levels were associated with heavy metal levels in blood and certain behavioral abnormalities. These findings suggest that exposure to various environmental heavy metals in Guiyu might result in child behavior disorders. Results also indicate that Sl00P may provide information for laboratory evaluation of neurotoxicity.
Exposure routes and health effects of heavy metals on children
The implications of heavy metals with regards to children's health have been noted to be more severe compared to adults. The element's harmful consequences on children's health include mental retardation, neurocognitive disorders, behavioral disorders, respiratory problems, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Much attention should be given to heavy metals because of their high toxicity potential, widespread use, and prevalence. This review, therefore, examines the exposure routes and health effects of mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), and barium (Ba) on children. In addition, their toxic mechanisms are elucidated.
A clinical study of the effects of lead poisoning on the intelligence and neurobehavioral abilities of children
Blood lead levels were significantly negatively correlated with the developmental quotients of adaptive behavior, gross motor performance, fine motor performance, language development, and individual social behavior (P < 0.01). Compared with healthy children, more children with lead poisoning had abnormal behaviors, especially social withdrawal, depression, and atypical body movements, aggressions, and destruction.
Environmental toxic agents: The impact of heavy metals and organochlorides on brain development
Exposure to environmental toxicants can have deleterious effects on the development of physical, cognitive, and mental health. Extensive laboratory and clinical studies have demonstrated how the developing brain is uniquely sensitive to toxic agents. This chapter focuses on the main neurologic impairments linked to prenatal and postnatal exposure to lead, methylmercury, and polychlorinated biphenyls, three legacy environmental contaminants whose neurotoxic effects have been extensively studied with respect to cognitive and behavioral development. The main cognitive, emotion regulation, sensory, and motor impairments in association with these contaminants are briefly reviewed, including the underlying neural mechanisms such as neuropathologic damages, brain neurotransmission, and endocrine system alterations.
Elevated lead levels in relation to low serum neuropeptide Y and adverse behavioral effects in preschool children with e-waste exposure
Pb exposure in e-waste-exposed areas may lead to a decrease in serum NPY and an increase in the risk of children's behavioral problems. In addition, NPY may mediate the association between Pb exposure and behavioral difficulties.
Low-level prenatal and postnatal blood lead exposure and adrenocortical responses to acute stress in children
Our results suggest that relatively low prenatal and postnatal blood lead levels--notably those below the 10 microg/dL blood lead level identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for public health purposes--can alter children's adrenocortical responses to acute stress. The behavioral and health consequences of this Pb-induced HPA dysregulation in children have yet to be determined.
Amazing Testimony
We are nearing the bottom of our first bottle ofTRS, & this is my account of my son's testimony thus far. My 2.5-year-old son regressed after receiving the DTaP and flu vax at 9 months old (delayed 6 month visit.) He at the time had about 6 words and was meeting all milestones; when he regressed and lost all words, lost all babble, lost eye contact, lost focus, and stopped responding to his name. By his first birthday, my once babbling baby boy was mute.
So, where did we start? We stopped vaccinating. PERIOD. Then, we tried our best to get him healthy after all the antibiotics, breathing treatments, and medicines that came with 'pediatric lung disease, aka asthma' and the several bouts of bronchitis inflicted from the flu/DTaP shots. We started doing simple things like RESEARCHING EVERYTHING, detox baths, and high vitamin C. We got evaluated for & started our state's "early steps" speech therapy at 16 months. After his 2nd birthday in April, we started TRS, and I started a journal on his behalf. My TRS journal entry literally says, "call me crazy, but it's like a fog has been lifted." He was so attentive that first does/day, I recall from my journal. I clearly remember him making eye contact with me so intently & for so long ... like he was trying to my thoughts or convey his thoughts to me.
I originally started with one spray in his water in the morning and soon went to 1 spray every other day (to ease constipation issues). We stuck with 1 spray every-other-day through May and June, taking days off where we felt needed. In July, we went back to 1 spray daily, pretty steadily. In August, we upped to 2 sprays a day, both given in the morning in his water bottle. It's now September, and we're near the bottom of our first bottle. I'll use the remainder of the bottle to begin 2 sprays in the morning and 1 spray in the afternoon. I will absolutely be ordering a 3 month supply to continue with TRS, and here's why ..
Gains we've seen in 4 months on TRS:
Increased eye contact- 10 fold! Before we could barely get him to look toward the general direction of you, now he will actively engage in eye contact- not all of the time but much improved. Also worth noting, before, he did not like to look into a mirror, but now he doesn't seem to take too much issue with that anymore. I think this behavior originally had to do with anxiety issues, which have also decreased greatly. He went from anxiously biting his nails until they bled to now not biting his nails at all. Seriously, I didn't have to trim his nails for an entire year due to biting, and lately, he needs regular trims! He developed eczema after his 4 months shots, and that has all cleared up within the last few months, after battling it for over a year. Attention span improvements. Some of my first journal entries rave about his attention span and how very focused & task-oriented he has become. He really didn't have the attention span to complete any puzzles and would rather "wreck them" instead, but now he can sit and complete some problem-solving puzzles. He also will play every key on the piano if I count along with him. Before, he wouldn't mimic me playing the keys one-by-one but rather mash them all down at once. His attention span now allows him to listen and be taught when he once was not able to keep focus on much of anything. He is also recently very receptive to praise and gets so overly excited for a hand clap -my boy is gonna be the class clown. lol
High five, fist bumps, waving bye-bye, gives kisses. These are all things this momma has been begging for since the start of daycare, and just this month (2 sprays), he began doing them independently. He has become very loving and receptive to giving and receiving hugs; and now greets me, hello and goodbye at the start/end of daycare with a hug, high five, fist bump, and wave bye-bye. {Best momma feeling ever; sometimes it's the little things.} He is also now able to navigate and climb the playground slides and stairs on his own; before, he was unable to do so without assistance. His receptive skills have improved greatly. He is listening & responding to his name more and is understanding basic commands better like "go sit in your chair to eat (he'll run to his chair); its bath time (he'll run to the bath)" Another Example- The other day he threw his bottle on the ground, and I asked him to "pick that bottle up and put it in the sink." Dear God, he listened! He picked his bottle up off of the living room floor, brought it around to the kitchen, and put it by his other bottles next to the sink. I couldn't believe he followed those detailed instructions; it was a first! I asked him to do the same thing again last night, he did!! It wasn't a fluke; he is definitely comprehending more of what we are asking of him.
He is interacting in more age-appropriate play at home and daycare. Reports from the sitter state that he is more engaged in the singing activities and less of a "lone wolf" when left with his peers. At home, he is playing with his toys more appropriately- i.e., rolling his cars on the ground (vs. throwing them), throw and catch with dad, vacuuming with his toy vacuum, and reading his books (vs. tearing them up). He is also more interested in feeding himself independently using a fork or spoon- a new advancement. Further, he is less OCD. He once HAD to line everything up, and now I rarely find him doing that anymore. He has taken more interest in playing with his older sister and us at home, and he is more engaged in nursery rhymes and toddler games than before. Now he is even capable of playing by himself for several minutes without getting into too much mischiefanother new development.
And finally, speech. I know everyone is waiting on the BIG speech testimony .. but we're just not there yet. Don't get me wrong, he has a lot of seemingly new interest in mimicking mouth movement, and his speech therapist has been impressed with his recent improvements! He has said momma/dada with intent more frequently and has begun to babble in waves again. He will blurt out "no" or "yeah" every now and then; and loves to count, and will mimic your mouth and words sometimes- just without the sound. Otherwise no major breakthroughs in the speech department as of yet. However, he is much more interactive with letting us know what he wants by using the sign language he has learned or showing us what he wants vs. just throwing a tantrum. He has also quit biting (himself & others) out of frustration & lack of communication, which we had a big problem with about 3 months ago.