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What is a Zeolite?

Zeolites are natural volcanic minerals that are mined from the earth. When volcanoes erupt, molten lava and thick ash pour out. Many vol­canoes are located on an island or near an ocean; this lava and ash often flows into the sea. Thanks to a chemical reaction between the ash from the volcano and the salt from the sea, unique minerals like zeolites are formed in the hardened lava over the course of thousands of years. What makes zeolites so amazing is that it's not only one of the few negatively-charged minerals found in nature, but it also has a unique structure. Zeolites have large, vacant spaces repre­senting cages that allow space for large, positively charged ions to be trapped and bound inside.

TRS vs. Aluminum in Vacc****

The silicon building block in Zeolite is electrically neutral, but the alumi­num building block carries a negative charge, which creates charged sites throughout the entire crystal structure. This aluminum is NOT ab­sorbed by the body under any circumstance. This is not free-roaming particles; the silicon-aluminum is a structure, a crystal.

The aluminum building block of the Zeolite is NOT the same thing as aluminum in a vacc***. Because this chemistry and crystallography are unknown, many people have difficulty grasping the concept that aluminum is non-toxic to the body when ingested in its natural form.

Aluminum is naturally occurring but only non-toxic when bound to silica in its natural state (Zeolite). Big pharma has isolated aluminum from silica and created aluminum salts that are biologically active enough to cause a potent, sustained immune response in the body from vacc****. Why it does this is because these aluminum salts are no longer inert. In fact, the immune system correctly identifies that alumi­num is a threat to the body. It is a threat because it is TOXIC. If it weren't toxic, it wouldn't be useful as an immune system stimulant/adjuvant in the vacc***.

As you can see, a Zeolite and its alumina-silicate structure is NOT the same as the aluminum salt in a vacc***. All zeolites are by definition "aluminosilicates," which means their chemical makeup is aluminum, silica, and oxygen.

This is not "free" aluminum; it is an inert part of the zeolite structure. This structure is almost impossible to break. Zeolites can withstand ex­tremely high temperatures, and they are not dissolved by the stomach or gastric acids. A zeolite is also NOT water-soluble or fat-soluble.

The problem with the vacc*** is you are also injecting the adjuvants. Anything and everything ingested is subject to the gastrointestinal tract before it is absorbed into the bloodstream and ends up in other vital or9ans and tissues. The GI tract is an excellent barrier (when healthy), and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) states that only 0.1-0-4% of aluminum that is ingested is actu­ally absorbed. Therefore, up to 99.9% of aluminum is not absorbed when ingested (through breast milk or food) and is eliminated/ re­moved from the body before it ever reaches the bloodstream.

In contrast, of course, most vacc*** are injected. The contents of an in­jected vacc*** are not subject to the gastrointestinal tract. Aluminum, along with other ingredients, are injected intramuscularly in order to in­tentionally bypass the natural barriers of the body (skin, mucus mem­branes, etc., which exist to help to prevent absorption). Blood flows to and from our muscles, so the contents of a vaccine can enter the bloodstream rapidly. Therefore, the absorption of aluminum via vacc*** is 100%.

Let's take a closer look!

Aluminum is naturally occurring but only non-toxic when bound to silica in its natural state (Zeolite). Big pharma has isolated aluminum from silica and created aluminum salts that are biologically active enough to cause a potent, sustained immune response in the body for the purposes of vacc****.

When man tries to take what God created, isolate it and turn it into a profit-driven product, then you'll have problems.

Let's look at an apple seed, for example; An apple seed:

How many times has someone eaten an apple seed by accident and not gotten ill? Yet reductionist science would cry out that apple seeds contain prunasin, which releases cyanide when ingested. Cyanide is a known poison! BUT the other elements in the seed keep it from being poisonous to our systems. This is an important concept to understand in reference to aluminosilicates vs. aluminum salts which is then ex­tracted, isolated version of aluminum that big pharma uses in their vacc**** to poison us!

Looking at physiology, it is interesting to see chemicals that keep the body going are COMPLETE vitamins and minerals. The best way, if not the only way, to get vitamins and minerals into our bodies is to eat the plants that God has prepared for our use!

On the other hand, the drugs and synthetic vitamins we take are actually foreign to the body.


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